Team Malaysia with the trophy
Team Malaysia camefrom behind to win the October FCC Nations Cup at Angkor Golf Resort on the 15 -16th October.
Ably supported by HilaryFredericks, Ong Han Suan, ChuanKoonMeng and top scorer Shuhei Okabe, Malaysiasecured their victory with some blistering scoring on the final day.
Trailing by three shots fromovernight leaders Australia / Thailandteam, Okabe and Chua secured 72 points for the eventual winners over the finalround.
Man of the tournament went toLewis Coyle securing a mammoth 75 points for his team over the two days, and CatrionaSutherland of Canadawho won best lady player of the tournament.
Saturday’s Longest drive wentto Lewis Coyle, nearest the pins were sweetly struck by Bob Gordon and Luc Grobet.
Sunday’s longest drive wasawarded to Kevin Jeong, nearest the pins to Rachid Baazra and FrancoisLepissier.
Past winners include:
New Zealand
Singapore / Myanmar