Angkor Golf Resort

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Nations Cup 2010

Event Schedule:

Saturday, October 23rd, 2010

12:00 Golfers Registration and Tee off
17.00 Charity, Hole in One
17.30 Buffet Dinner @ FCC Angkor

Sunday, October 24th, 2010

08.00 Welcoming golfers and Tee off
08.30 National Last Championship round
11.00 Charity Hole in One
12.00 Lunch buffet @ Angkor Golf


  • Registration until Saturday 23rd of October 2010
  • No handicap required but if you have please mention upon reservation
  • Teams of 4 golfers (If you do not have partner, we will find you one)
  • To be representing a country of origin or residence
  • Admission fee for the tournament (Inclusive of 1 room night at FCC Angkor, 2 green fee of 18 Holes with free beverages on golf course, welcome dinner at the FCC Angkor, lunch buffet on final round at Angkor Golf Resort $285
  • Admission fee for the tournament without the room $245

For Reservation, please contact:

FCC Angkor

Ms. Visal Eng (mob: 012279902)
Office: 063760281

Angkor Golf Resort
Tel: 063767688